About Eric
Contact Eric
District 207

Eric Leys would love to hear your views on board issues or address your small group or organization. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Call our office at 847 298-0496
Fax 847 296-4707

or send mail to:

310 Busse Highway, # 323
Park Ridge, IL 60068

or e-mail us at eric@ericleys.com

This web site is provided as an informational service to the residents of Maine Township and has not been prepared at taxpayers' expense.

Paid for by Citizens for Leys. Corporate checks are welcome. Political gifts are not tax deductible, but they are the only way to win elections. A copy of our report available from the State Board of Elections, 1020 South Spring, Springfield, Illinois 62704

Please send contributions to:

Citizens for Leys
310 Busse Hwy., #323

Park Ridge, IL 60068

Contact Eric Leys with questions, suggestions and comments on this site.
Experiencing a problem with this site, contact the HelpDesk
© Copyright 2003 , Eric Leys, All Rights Reserved.